2013年5月6日 星期一

Get system CPU information via control block

/*   location 10x --> CVT
/*        CVT+C4x  -->  SMCA
/*            SMCA+16 contains the SMF id
/*        CVT+294x -->  CSD
/*            CSD+4, +8 and + 10 contain
/*              some interesting cpu counts
/*        CVT+2FCx -->  PCCAVT
/*            PCCAVT+0   -->  PCCA for CPU 0
/*            PCCAVT+4   -->  PCCA for CPU 1
/*            ... etc.
/*            PCCAVT+60  -->  PCCA for CPU 15
/*            PCCA+4   contains the cpu id, serial#, type
/*            PCCA+24    -->  virtual PSA
/*            PCCA+28    -->  real PSA

   SMF id= H901
   nr cpus currently alive: 5
   5 available for jobs
   5 available for srbs
   2 currently alive

   -----CPU--------------  PSA       PSA
   #  ver id serial  type  vaddr     raddr     status:
   00  52  0 12495   3090  8000F6F0  00157240  jobs srbs no-alive
   01  52  1 12495   3090  7800F9F0  00134030  jobs srbs no-alive
   02  52  2 12495   3090  0000F980  0002F040  jobs srbs no-alive
   03  52  3 12495   3090  0000F960  00068040  jobs srbs no-alive
   04  52  4 12495   3090  1000F7F0  000A2040  jobs srbs no-alive
   05  a:  9 &             00070C30  0080007B  no-srbs srbs no-alive

