2013年12月24日 星期二

IBM Acronyms

The IBM world is full of acronyms. The following list, is just a sampling of some of the many acronyms that are used by IBM professionals on a daily basis.
ACS - Autonomic Class Selection

AMS - Access Method Services

APF - Authorized Program Facility

API - Application Programming Interface

ASCB - Address Space Control Block

ASclass - Address Space class

ASclass - Address Space classentifier

ASM - Auxiliary Storage Manager

ASMP - Asymmetric Multi Processing

BC - Business Class

BCP - Base Control Program

BDAM - Basic Direct Access Method

BDW - Block Descriptor Word

BI - Business Intelligence

BLKSIZE - Block Size

BPAM - Basic Partitioned Access Method

BSAM - Basic Sequential Access Method

BX - Byte Index

CA - Control Area

CBU - Capacity Backup

CE - Customer Engineer

CEC - Central Electronic Complex

CFCC - Coupling Facility Control Code

CHPclass - Channel Path classentifier

CI - Control Interval

CICS - Customer Information Control System

CIU - Customer Initiated Upgrade

CKD - Count Key Data

CLISTS - Command Lists

CMS - Conversational Monitor System

COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language

CP - Control Program

CP - Central Processor

CPC - Central Processor Complex

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

CSS IOPQ - Channel Subsystem I/O Priority Queuing

CSS - Channel Subsystem

CSTOR - Central Storage

CTC - Channel to Channel

CU - Control Units

CUA - Control Unit Address

CoD - Capacity on Demand

DA - Device Adapter

DASD - Direct Access Storage Device

DAT - Dynamic Address Translation

DBA - Database Administrator

DCB - Data Control Block

DCM - Dynamic Channel

DD - Data Definition

DFS - Distributed File System

DOS - Disk Operating System

DR - Disaster Recovery

DUAS - Dual Address Space

EAL5 - Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 5

EAV - Extended Address Volume

EC - Enterprise Class

ECKD - Extended Count Key Data

EFDS - Entry Sequence Data Set

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

ESA - Enterprise Systems Architecture

ESCON - Enterprise Systems Connection

ESS - Enterprise Storage System

ESTOR - Expanded Storage

ETR - External Time Reference

FICON - Fiber Connection

FLPA - Fixed Link Pack Area

FTSS/SE - Field Technical Sales Support/Systems Engineer

GDG - Generation Data Groups

GDPS - Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex

GDS - Generation Data Set

GRS - Global Resource Serialization

HA - Host Adapter

HDA - Head Disk Assembly

HFS - Hierarchical File System

HLQ - High Level Qualifier

HMC - Hardware Management Console

HSA - Hardware System Area

ICF - Integrated Coupling Facility (for Parallel Sysplex)

IFB - Infiniband

IFL - Integrated Facility for Linux

IMS - Information Management System

IOCDS - I/O Control Data Set

IOP - I/O Processors

IPL - Initial Program Load

ISMF - Interactive Storage Management Facility

ISPF - Interactive System Productivity Facility

ISV - Independent Software Vender

JCL - Job Control Language

JES - Job Entry Subsystem

JVM - Java Virtual Machine

KSDS - Keyed Sequence Data Set

LCSS - Logical Channel Subsystems

LDS - Linear Data Set

LIC - Licensed Internal Code

LPAR - Logical Partition

LRECL - Logical Record Length

MIPS - Million Instruction Per Second

MLPA - Modified Link Pack Area

MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure

MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage

NUMA - Non Uniform Memory Access

OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

OLTP - Online Transaction Processing (occur interactively with end user)

PA - Program Action

PAV - Parallel Access Volume

PC - Program Call

PDS - Partitioned Data Set

PF - Program Function

PFA - Predictive Failure Analysis

PHCclass - Physical Channel classentifier

Pclass - Process class

PLPA - Pageable Link Pack Area

POR - Power On Reset

POSIX - Portability Operating Systems Interface

PR/SM - Processor Resource/System Manager

PSA - Prefix Storage Area

PSA - Prefixed Saved Area

PSW - Program Status Word

PU - Processing Unit

PX - Page Index

QSAM - Queued Sequential Access Method

R(F/S/T)X - Region (First/Second/Third) Index

R1/2/3T - Region First/Second/Third Table

RACF - Resource Access Control Facility

RAS - Reliability, Availability, Serviceability

RCT - Region Control Task

RDF - Record Descriptor Field

RDW - Record Descriptor Word

RECFM - Record Format

REXX - Restructured Extended Executor

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer

RRDS - Relative Record Data Set

RSM - Real Storage manager

RTM - Recovery Termination Manager

RX - Region Index

SAP - System Assistance Processor

SCB - Status Control Block

SCP - System Control Program

SDSF - System Display and Search Facility

SE - Support Element

SFM - Sysplex Failure Manager

SIE - Start Interpretive Execution

SIGP - Single Processor

SLA - Service Level Agreement (Batch window defined here)

SMB - Server Message Block

SMP - Symmetric Multi Processing

SMS - System Managed Storage

SQA - System Queue Area

SRB - Service Request Block

SRM - System Resource Manager

STI - Self timed interface

SVC - Supervisor Call

SX - Segment Index

SYSPLEX - System Complex

TCB - Task Control Block

TFS - Temporary File System

TOD - Time Of Day

TOR - Terminal Owning Region

TPS - Transactions per second

TSO/E - Time Sharing Option/Extensions

UA - Unit Address

UCB - Unit Control Block

USS - Unix System Services

VOLSER - Volume Serial Number

VSAM - Virtual Storage Access Method

VSCR - Virtual Storage Constraint

VSM - Virtual Storage Manager

VTOC - Volume Table of Contents

WLM - Workload Manager

XA - Extended Architecture

XM - Cross Memory

dfMSM - dfStorage Management

z/OS NFS - z/OS Network File System

z/TPF - Z/Transaction Processing Facility

z/VM - Z/Virtual Machine

z/VSE - Z/Virtual Storage Extended

zAAP - Z/OS Application Assist Processor

zFS - zSeries File System

zIIP - Z/OS Integrated Information Processor

2013年12月5日 星期四

Get IODF information

cvt      = Storage(10,4)                    /* get the CVT address    */ 
cvtixavl = Storage(D2x(C2d(cvt)+124),4)     /* get the IOCOM address  */ 
cvtext2  = Storage(D2x(C2d(cvt)+328),4)     /* get the EXT2 address   */ 
cvtiocid = Storage(D2x(C2d(cvtext2)+6),2)   /* active IO config id    */ 
iociovtp = Storage(D2x(C2d(cvtixavl)+208),4)/* get the IOVT address   */ 
cda      = Storage(D2x(C2d(iociovtp)+24),4) /* get the CDA address    */ 
iodfname = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+32),44)     /* get the IODF name      */ 
iodfcfgi = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+92),8)      /* get the IODF config id */ 
iodfedt  = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+104),2)     /* get the IODF EDT       */ 
iodfproc = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+124),8)     /* get the IODF Proc      */ 
iodfdate = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+156),8)     /* get the IODF Date      */ 
iodftime = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+164),8)     /* get the IODF Time      */ 
iodfdesc = Storage(D2x(c2d(cda)+172),16)    /* get the IODF Descriptn */