2011年5月24日 星期二

Mainframe System Education -- Wildfire Workshops

IBM is hosting no-charge workshops about new technologies, such as Java and Web-Sphere. You simply need to contact your IBM rep to have them enroll you. The follow-ing workshops are currently provided, but the list may change:
 CCLX1 - Cloud Computing on zEnterprise and System z
 LXOR6 - Customizing Linux and the Mainframe for Oracle DB Applications
 WBSR7 - WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 7
 WMB07 - WebSphere Message Broker for z/OS Version 7 Workshop
 WSW07 - Security Workshop: WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
 ZPRT1 - WebSphere Portal Server on Linux for zSeries Version 6.1
 ZJAV1 - z/OS JAVA Exploiters and JAVA Batch Workshop
 VC001 - Virtualization and Consolidation to Linux of System z
 WMQ07 - WebSphere MQ V7 and WMQ FTE for z/OS Workshop
 ZWPS6 - WebSphere Process Server V6.2 for z/OS Implementation Work-shop

Here is a direct link to their schedule and descriptions:

