Here is a selection of useful JES2 commands:
$djq,spl=(%>5) Display all jobs which occupy more than 5% of the spool
$djq,a>5,q=ppu Display all jobs on the print/punch queue more than 5 days old
$djq,q=ppu,type=tsu Display all TSUs on the print/punch queue
$djq'jobname',spl Display spool percent occupied by the named job
$djq,q=ppu,userid Display userid associated with jobs on print/punch queue
$pjq,a>5,q=ppu Purges all jobs on the print/punch queue more than 5 days old
$pjq,q=ppu,type=tsu Purge all TSUs on the print/punch queue
$da,x Displays all jobs, including TSU and STC
$pjnnnnn Purge JOB number nnnnn
$psnnnnn Purge STC number nnnnn
$ptnnnnn Purge TSU number nnnnn
$dspl Display percent spool used
$ta wlog,t=23.58,i=86400,'$vs,''W L''' Automatically spin SYSLOG to sysout L once per day
$dos'syslog',crtime,age,rec,odisp,q Display all SYSLOG output groups on spool
$pos'syslog',a>5 Delete SYSLOG output groups more than 5 days old
$djq,spl=(%>5) Display all jobs which occupy more than 5% of the spool
$djq,a>5,q=ppu Display all jobs on the print/punch queue more than 5 days old
$djq,q=ppu,type=tsu Display all TSUs on the print/punch queue
$djq'jobname',spl Display spool percent occupied by the named job
$djq,q=ppu,userid Display userid associated with jobs on print/punch queue
$pjq,a>5,q=ppu Purges all jobs on the print/punch queue more than 5 days old
$pjq,q=ppu,type=tsu Purge all TSUs on the print/punch queue
$da,x Displays all jobs, including TSU and STC
$pjnnnnn Purge JOB number nnnnn
$psnnnnn Purge STC number nnnnn
$ptnnnnn Purge TSU number nnnnn
$dspl Display percent spool used
$ta wlog,t=23.58,i=86400,'$vs,''W L''' Automatically spin SYSLOG to sysout L once per day
$dos'syslog',crtime,age,rec,odisp,q Display all SYSLOG output groups on spool
$pos'syslog',a>5 Delete SYSLOG output groups more than 5 days old