* CICS/OS introduced as program offering
* Designed to support 50 BTAM terminals
* Supported out of Palo Alto, CA
* Not expected to last more than a few years
* Assembler macros that supported a limited number of functions
* CICS/VS 1.0 introduced* Single address space or partition monitor
* Introduction of management functions
* Support for DOS/VS, OS/VS1, and OS/VS2
* Macro Level only
* HLL supported through pre-processor
* CICS/VS 1.3
* Support moved to Hursley in exchange for PL/1
* Introduction of command level
* Introduction of recovery/restart
* CICS/VS 1.4
* Introduction of ISC
* IBM® Statement: New functions will be through command level
* CICS/VS 1.5
* Introduction of MRO
* CICS/VS 1.6, and 6 months later 1.6.1
* Introduction of RDO for PPT and PCT entries
* Last release to provide the same functionality across all operating systems
* XA functions are provided
* VSAM subtasking introduced
* CICS/VS 1.7
* AUTOINSTALL + JES Spool Interface support introduced
* VTAM® terminals now RDO definable
* ISAM support dropped
* File control program and other management module rewritten
* The new code became OCO* IBM again warns its customers about Macro Level
* CICS/MVS® 2.1
* Some performance improvements over 1.7
* Introduction of XRF
* CICS/ESA® 3.1.1
* Macro Level support dropped for HLL programs
* Totally new architecture
* Multiple TCBs
* Many old functions dropped
* CICS/ESA 3.2
* Macro Level support dropped for all languages
* Another rewrite for DFHFCP
* CICS security as known (DFHSNT) is eliminated
* More old functions are dropped
* CICS/ESA 3.3
* Storage protection feature for CICS/ESA domain storage
* Introduction of Dynamic Link function
* Shared Data Tables
* Distributed Program Link
* Front End Programming Interface
* CICS/ESA 4.1
* Transaction Isolation (Storage protection)
* MRO using Enhanced Cross System Coupling Facilities (XRF)
* Dynamic transaction routing among Parallel Transaction Servermachines
* CICS/VSE® 2.3
* Enhanced programmer interfaces allowing for the replacement of macro level calls
* Support for LE for VSE/ESA and associated languages
* A tool to aid in the migration of customers from the use of internal CICS security to an external security manager (ESM)
* CICS Transaction Server for OS/390® 1.1
* A new domain for logging and journaling - the CICS log manager
* A new domain for recovery - the CICS recovery manager
* A new domain for temporary storage
* RDO for transient data destinations
* Addition of the EXEC CICS CREATE SPI command for the creation of CICS resource definitions for a sysplex-wide systems management product
* CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 1.2
* Introduction of DASDONLY logging
* CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 1.3
* Parallel Sysplex® support
* Coupling facility data tables
* RDO for temporary storage
* Long temporary storage queue names
* Autoinstall for consoles
* CICS business transaction services (BTS)
* Open transaction environment (OTE)
* Support for the Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM)
* Support for IIOP requests inbound to Java application programs.
* CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA™ 1.1.1
* Exploitation of ESA/390 subsystem storage protection
* Extensive Virtual Storage Constraint Relief
* Expanded Application Programming Support including a new External CICS Interface (EXCI) and a Front End Programming Interface (FEPI)
* System Management enhancements including Resource Definition Online (RDO) for files
* Shared data tables for improved performance and availability
* The CICS Web Interface (CWI) which provides direct access to CICS applications from the World Wide Web environment. This will be available from the first quarter of 2000
* The CICS 3270 Bridge, which provides an interface to run 3270-based CICS transactions without a 3270 terminal.
* Inclusion of REXX for CICS, from the fourth quarter of 1999.
* Inclusion of CICS/DDM as an optional no-charge feature* Inclusion of Report Controller Facility (RCF) without extra charge.
* CICS Transaction Server for z/OS® 2.1
* Support for the industry-standard Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) architecture, enabling CICS to act as an EJB server
* Facilities for the generation of new EJB applications, or for the reuse or incorporation of existing applications and data in an EJB solution
* Enhancements to the facilities for network connectivity in support of e-business enablement, and to Java programming under CICS
* Extensions to facilities for applications based on procedural programming models
* Significant extensions to CICSPlex® SM
* CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 2.2
* Enhanced support for Enterprise Java, and session bean support that conforms to the J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) architecture.
* CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 2.3
* Enhanced Java capability including performance improvements, support for Java SDK 1.4, the Common Client Interface (CCI) Connector for CICS TS, and the addition of CICS Web Support to the JCICS classes
* Improved support for development of applications, including interactive debugging
* Further connectivity options, including new security functions, and the recently-introduced SOAP for CICS optional feature
* Enhancements in the area of availability, including workload balancing of the 3270 Bridge using CICSPlex(R) SM
* Important performance improvements in CICS-DB2 attachment
* CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 3.1
* Major new capabilities are provided in the areas of Web services, HTTP function, and security
* C/C++ capability is enhanced by support for XPLink
* CICS Web API commands are now threadsafe* OTE function has been extended
* Language Environment-enabled Assembler applications are supported
* A new mechanism is provided for inter-program data transfer
* The Information Center has moved to the Eclipse platform
* Functional and usability improvements are provided to the CICSPlex SM Web User Interface, enabling systems to be fully managed without the TSO End User Interface
* New batch update mechanism is provided for the CICSPlex SM data repository
* CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 3.2
* Application Connectivityo Web services standards, interoperability profiles, large messages, and data mappingo Intercommunications over TCP/IPo HTTP and TCP/IP management and performance
* Application Reuseo 64-bit storage for CONTAINER datao CICS integrated translator support for C and C++o Java enhancements
* Service Managemento On-line management of program librarieso Enterprise Workload Managero CICSPlex SM Web User Interface help, usability, and MAP supporto CICS-WMQ adapter installation and management
* Architectural Enhancementso Capacity of VSAM ESDS files >4GB, shared data tables >2GB, and CICS regions in a Sysplexo Trace, monitoring, and statisticso Threadsafe core APIs for accessing VSAM files, journals, and WebSphere® MQ